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Would you like to learn more about Messianic Judaism, the Jewish roots of your faith and the foundational beliefs, history, vision and organization of our congregation? If so, come join us every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m.
For more information, contact Rabbi Jim
Our Purpose
The Messianic Judaism group grafts Jewish and non-Jewish people into their Jewish roots and into the congregation. It is great for new believers & those interested in learning more about Messianic Judaism. The group studies Messianic Judaism, and the foundational beliefs, history, vision and organization of our congregation in an informal discussion group atmosphere that promotes new friendships with the goal of helping people become knowledgeable members of Congregation Shema Yisrael.
What We Do
Our gatherings consist of:
· Worship
· Teaching
· Prayer
· Fellowship

Topics We Study
· The Messianic Vision
· Jewish Lifestyle and Traditions
· Jewish Evangelism, One on One
· Our Messianic Congregation
· Our Statement of Faith
Rabbi Jim - Khavurah Group Leader
Rabbi Jim Appel has been the Rabbi of Congregation Shema Yisrael since 1996 and a Jewish follower of Yeshua since 1977. He is ordained by the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues.
Rabbi Jim previously worked for Xerox Corporation for 24 years as an optical engineer and engineering manager. He decided to follow Yeshua after a long spiritual search. Raised as an atheist, his spiritual search took him into the world of mind-altering drugs and yoga meditation, and ended with a dramatic encounter with Yeshua the Messiah.

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